Hazards / Risks: Weather

Weather its never far from the conversation! Perhaps that's because we live in an environment that is so diverse. We have hot weather, cold weather, wet weather and occasionally even snowy weather, the UK could certainly be classed as a country that has a good variety of seasonal weather. 

Although we might all talk about it on a regular basis and lets be honest its got to be in the top 5 visited apps on your phone its important we understand the risks associated with the weather extremes we are experiencing on a more regular basis.

Risk Advice & Articles

Preparing for a Flood

Preparing for a Flood

2m read

Being the victim of flooding is simply terrible, and something many people do not wish to contemplate, however knowing the risk and preparing for it can be a great help!

Recovering from a Flood

Recovering from a Flood

3m read

The actual flood itself will be very traumatic, no matter how big or small the flooded area is, however its also important to remember the recovery isn't a quick stage itself either.

Cold Temperatures

Cold Temperatures

2m read

Every year as temperatures drop over the winter period, cold weather affects health and wellbeing.



4m read

A drought means a prolonged period of shortages in the water supply. It can happen after an unusually low period of rainfall, for an extended period of time.



5m read

Flooding is probably the most prominent of all our risks. Its also the one most people know and understand.

LRF in Action

Read More Stories
Spotlight: British Transport Police (BTP)

Spotlight: British Transport Police (BTP)

1m read

British Transport Police (BTP) - Force Preparedness Team

Wiltshire & Swindon Local Resilience Forum - Recovery Workshop

Wiltshire & Swindon Local Resilience Forum - Recovery Workshop

1m read

The Local Resilience Forum (LRF) partners work together to plan, prepare, response and recovery from incidents.

Exercise RISE - Vulnerable People Dashboard on the Esri Platform

Exercise RISE - Vulnerable People Dashboard on the Esri Platform

2m read

Wiltshire & Swindon LRF stress-test the new developed Beacon platform.