Weather News

Weather, its always part of the conversation. We have hot weather, cold weather, wet weather and sometimes even snowy weather. Every type impacts us in some way and all have an associated risk to how we go about our daily lives.

Learn more about weather risks

Float to Live

Float to Live

Would you know what to do if you got into difficulty in the water?

Groundwater Roadshows Autumn 2023

Groundwater Roadshows Autumn 2023

Do you suffer from Groundwater flooding in your local area - check out the upcoming groundwater roadshow coming to Wiltshire and Swindon this Autumn

Swindon Council teams help residents as Storm Ciarán approaches

Swindon Council teams help residents as Storm Ciarán approaches

Sandbags have been delivered to households at risk of flooding as Swindon prepares for the latest storm to hit the UK.

Wiltshire and Swindon Prepared Resilience Event

Wiltshire and Swindon Prepared Resilience Event

Wiltshire and Swindon Prepared First ever Resilience Event - helping to make our communities more prepared

Set up camp safely: the hazards of the great outdoors

Set up camp safely: the hazards of the great outdoors

DW Fire and Rescue Service are asking the community to stay safe this summer as they make the most of the weather and enjoy the great outdoors, whether camping, cooking or exploring.

How to stay safe on the road this Spring and Summer

How to stay safe on the road this Spring and Summer

As we enter Spring and Summer, you may start to travel more often, so here’s 10 handy driving tips to help you keep safe and make sure you’re well equipped for the lead to up the warmer weather chaos.

LRF in Action

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Amesbury Fire -  June 2023

Amesbury Fire - June 2023

In June 2023 a large fire impacted 16 flats in Amesbury requiring a large multi-agency response.

Exercise Inundation

Exercise Inundation

Its not too often we take part in big exercises across multiple boundaries, but sometimes a great opportunity presents its-self!

Salisbury Rail Crash

Salisbury Rail Crash

Some describe it as the Salisbury Rail Crash, some as the Salisbury. Derailment and some as the Salisbury Train Crash. Whatever label one puts on it, officially it was Operation Zambezi.