Groundwater Roadshows Autumn 2023

In partnership with Dorset Council, Wiltshire Council, Highways and Wessex Water, The Environment Agency are holding a number of events in hub locations across Dorset and Wiltshire this November. The sessions are focussed on groundwater flooding and living on the chalk. We will discuss the impact of climate change on groundwater flooding and the forecast for this winter. It is an opportunity for communities to find out how to be better prepared and build resilience through the Groundwater Flood Warning Service, Property Flood Resilience (PFR) measures that are suitable and effective for groundwater flooding, together with details about Natural Flood Management.
Please note these events are being held at hub locations across Dorset and Wiltshire so will not be focussing on individual issues from the groundwater flooding . There will be short break mid-way when guests will have the opportunity to speak with representatives from the various agencies and raise any queries.
Should you want further information about these events or to book a place, please email: