Hazards / Risks: Environment & Health

Risks categorised under Environment and Health range greatly. Many of them are perhaps something you might associate with a disaster film such as Earthquakes, Volcanos and even a Pandemic, but this area does also include themes such as Animal disease that are likely to be more familiar with. The important thing is that although we can sometimes find it difficult to relate to these (not withstanding a Pandemic), these risks do have an important part to play in our risk landscape as we move forward in time.

Risk Advice & Articles

Animal Disease

Animal Disease

4m read

What do we think of when we hear the word animal disease? For most of us it is probably Bird Flu, Foot and Mouth or maybe a sick animal. That's not wrong but there's so much more.



4m read

A drought means a prolonged period of shortages in the water supply. It can happen after an unusually low period of rainfall, for an extended period of time.



3m read

Earthquakes to us in the UK probably feel somewhat distant – but despite this we are actually impacted by them!

Heat Wave

Heat Wave

3m read

Heatwaves – do we get them in the UK? Sometimes it feels like all we get is rain in the Summer, but we do get heatwaves, think back to 2022!

Heavy Snow

Heavy Snow

3m read

Snow! It brings up thoughts of Christmas, days off school and perhaps a festive landscape. But sometimes its not always as fun as we think!

LRF in Action

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Spotlight: British Transport Police (BTP)

Spotlight: British Transport Police (BTP)

1m read

British Transport Police (BTP) - Force Preparedness Team

Wiltshire & Swindon Local Resilience Forum - Recovery Workshop

Wiltshire & Swindon Local Resilience Forum - Recovery Workshop

1m read

The Local Resilience Forum (LRF) partners work together to plan, prepare, response and recovery from incidents.

Exercise RISE - Vulnerable People Dashboard on the Esri Platform

Exercise RISE - Vulnerable People Dashboard on the Esri Platform

2m read

Wiltshire & Swindon LRF stress-test the new developed Beacon platform.