Latest Case Studies

Spotlight on Civil Contingencies at the Met Office
3m read
The Met Office, is the national meteorological service for the UK. We provide critical weather services and world-leading climate science.

Spotlight on South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT)
2m read
Ambulance services are a key part of the NHS, responding to 999 calls when members of your local community need help in an emergency.

Spotlight on Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS)
1m read
If you think that Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service only deals with fires and road traffic collisions, think again!

Spotlight on Wessex 4x4 Response
>1m read
Wessex 4x4 Response are our local dedicated voluntary 4x4 responders who are always on hand to help with challenging incidents across the patch

Spotlight on RE:ACT
>1m read
RE:ACT Disaster Response is an emergency response charity able to provide vital early intervention support to affected UK communities involved in responding to an emergency event.

Spotlight on Wiltshire Search and Rescue (WILSAR)
1m read
Wiltshire Search and Rescue exists to locate missing or vulnerable people, and get them to a place of safety

Spotlight on the Environment Agency's Incident Response
2m read
Did you know that the Environment Agency covers much more than flooding?

Spotlight on Wiltshire Councils Emergency Preparedness
1m read
Wiltshire Councils Emergency Planning (the team behind incident planning and preparation in the Council)