Fire Safety Case Studies
Fire is one of those risks we are taught about from a young age and something we as a country are getting much better at reducing. However its important to recognise that there are a wide variety of risks associated with fire, from candle safety to wildfires or even major fires in industrial buildings.

Spotlight on Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS)
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If you think that Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service only deals with fires and road traffic collisions, think again!
LRF in Action
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Amesbury Fire - June 2023
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In June 2023 a large fire impacted 16 flats in Amesbury requiring a large multi-agency response.

Exercise Inundation
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Its not too often we take part in big exercises across multiple boundaries, but sometimes a great opportunity presents its-self!