Contact Us

The LRF is a multi-agency partnership and therefore we encourage contact via the usual agencies, some of these are shown below:

Emergencies: 999

Local Police: 101

NHS (advice and help for non-urgent health needs): 111

Your Local Electricity Operator (wherever you are calling from in England, Scotland and Wales): 105

National Gas Emergency Number: 0800 111 999


Should you wish to contact the LRF for anything else, be that a question or anything community resilience related please email: 

This is not monitored 24/7 but we will get back to you as quickly as possible

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Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service - Smoke Alarms Save Lives

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service - Smoke Alarms Save Lives

1m read

As part of the Fire Kills campaign, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue is asking people to make sure they fit smoke alarms on every level of their home and to test them regularly.

Great British Spring Clean

Great British Spring Clean

1m read

Could you be a #LitterHero and take part in this year's Great British Spring Clean