Other News
Sometimes there are risks that might not fit neatly into any category, these include things like stranded passengers and fuel disruption. However not having a distinct category doesn't make them any less important of our time and energy.

Wiltshire Council Support available to help with cost of living this winter
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Wiltshire Council is reminding people that there is a wide range of support for those who need it over winter to help with the cost of living, stay warm, socialise and access services.

Wiltshire Council top tips
3m read
Top tips to shop sustainably and reduce waste this Christmas from Wiltshire Council

Counter Terrorism Policing's winter campaign launched
>1m read
The toolkit includes free content for event organisers, venues and businesses to use on their websites, social media channels, big screens and more.

Scottish & Southern Electricity Network (SSEN) - Priority Services Day
>1m read
Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks - Priority Services

'Stay Safe, Tell Security' - Winter safety campaign reminding people.
>1m read
The Security Industry Authority (SIA) has launched its new winter safety campaign, urging people to ‘Stay Safe, Tell Security’.

LRF Engagement with Bournemouth University
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Engagement with Bournemouth University students to help prepare them with advanced knowledge and skills as part of their MSc Disaster Management Course.

Streetlink to help connect people sleeping rough to local services.
>1m read
Streetlink to help connect people sleeping rough to local services. This service can be used either by a member of the public reporting someone or a rough sleeper seeking help.

To Peer or not to Peer that is the question?
5m read
Hampshire and Isle of Wight LRF and Wiltshire and Swindon LRF Peer Review By Laura Edwards (HIOWLRF Partnership Manager) and Paul Williams (WSLRF Joint LRF Manager).

LRF in Action
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Spotlight: British Transport Police (BTP)
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British Transport Police (BTP) - Force Preparedness Team

Wiltshire & Swindon Local Resilience Forum - Recovery Workshop
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The Local Resilience Forum (LRF) partners work together to plan, prepare, response and recovery from incidents.

Exercise RISE - Vulnerable People Dashboard on the Esri Platform
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Wiltshire & Swindon LRF stress-test the new developed Beacon platform.