Terrorism News

Terrorism is  a frightening consideration to everyone! Unfortunately it is however something we need to be aware of in all parts of our lives, from when we board a train, plane or even when at work or on holiday. Knowing how to protect ourselves and how to report suspicious activities could save the lives of many.  

Learn more about terrorism risks

Counter Terrorism Policing's winter campaign launched

Counter Terrorism Policing's winter campaign launched

>1m read

The toolkit includes free content for event organisers, venues and businesses to use on their websites, social media channels, big screens and more.



>1m read

ProtectUK - Protective Security Advice and Guidance

'Stay Safe, Tell Security' - Winter safety campaign reminding people.

'Stay Safe, Tell Security' - Winter safety campaign reminding people.

>1m read

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) has launched its new winter safety campaign, urging people to ‘Stay Safe, Tell Security’.

LRF in Action

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Spotlight: British Transport Police (BTP)

Spotlight: British Transport Police (BTP)

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British Transport Police (BTP) - Force Preparedness Team

Wiltshire & Swindon Local Resilience Forum - Recovery Workshop

Wiltshire & Swindon Local Resilience Forum - Recovery Workshop

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The Local Resilience Forum (LRF) partners work together to plan, prepare, response and recovery from incidents.

Exercise RISE - Vulnerable People Dashboard on the Esri Platform

Exercise RISE - Vulnerable People Dashboard on the Esri Platform

2m read

Wiltshire & Swindon LRF stress-test the new developed Beacon platform.