Environment & Health Case Studies

Environment and Health risks cover a wide variety of areas from those that we are very familiar with such as Animal Health and Pandemics to those we consider much more continental such as Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The important point is they all impact us and are something we need to be aware of. 

Learn more about environment & health risks

Spotlight on the Environment Agency's Incident Response

Spotlight on the Environment Agency's Incident Response

Did you know that the Environment Agency covers much more than flooding?

Spotlight on Wiltshire Councils Emergency Preparedness

Spotlight on Wiltshire Councils Emergency Preparedness

Wiltshire Councils Emergency Planning (the team behind incident planning and preparation in the Council)

LRF in Action

Read More Stories
Exercise Inundation

Exercise Inundation

Its not too often we take part in big exercises across multiple boundaries, but sometimes a great opportunity presents its-self!

Groundwater Flooding in Wilton

Groundwater Flooding in Wilton

Our story of the groundwater flooding in Wilton