Hazards / Risks: Environment & Health

Risks categorised under Environment and Health range greatly. Many of them are perhaps something you might associate with a disaster film such as Earthquakes, Volcanos and even a Pandemic, but this area does also include themes such as Animal disease that are likely to be more familiar with. The important thing is that although we can sometimes find it difficult to relate to these (not withstanding a Pandemic), these risks do have an important part to play in our risk landscape as we move forward in time.

Risk Advice & Articles



4m read

Several years ago most people would consider a Pandemic as one of two things; something that only happens in a movie, or a fun board game. Recent history tells us a very different story!

Volcanic Eruption

Volcanic Eruption

3m read

Volcanoes may seem a world away from us in the UK, but they do however cause huge impacts that we can feel and see in our daily life.

Winter Hacks this Winter

Winter Hacks this Winter

1m read

The Met Office have put together some simple weather hacks as part of their WeatherReady Campaign this year, to help you get ready for the winter chill.

Why it is important to get a Flu vaccine?

Why it is important to get a Flu vaccine?

3m read

Unfortunately, not only does Winter spell the end of flip flops and days on the beach, but it also brings with it an increased risk of catching flu.

LRF in Action

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Exercise Inundation

Exercise Inundation

1m read

Its not too often we take part in big exercises across multiple boundaries, but sometimes a great opportunity presents its-self!

Salisbury Rail Crash

Salisbury Rail Crash

4m read

Some describe it as the Salisbury Rail Crash, some as the Salisbury. Derailment and some as the Salisbury Train Crash. Whatever label one puts on it, officially it was Operation Zambezi.

Operation London Bridge

Operation London Bridge

2m read

Operation Bridges is the collective term for the plans that are put in place for the death of a senior Royal. These are unfortunately something we had been working on for a few years.