Hazards / Risks: Weather

Weather its never far from the conversation! Perhaps that's because we live in an environment that is so diverse. We have hot weather, cold weather, wet weather and occasionally even snowy weather, the UK could certainly be classed as a country that has a good variety of seasonal weather. 

Although we might all talk about it on a regular basis and lets be honest its got to be in the top 5 visited apps on your phone its important we understand the risks associated with the weather extremes we are experiencing on a more regular basis.

Risk Advice & Articles

Heat Wave

Heat Wave

Heatwaves – do we get them in the UK? Sometimes it feels like all we get is rain in the Summer, but we do get heatwaves, think back to 2022!

Preparing for a Flood

Preparing for a Flood

Being the victim of flooding is simply terrible, and something many people do not wish to contemplate, however knowing the risk and preparing for it can be a great help!

Winter Hacks this Winter

Winter Hacks this Winter

The Met Office have put together some simple weather hacks as part of their WeatherReady Campaign this year, to help you get ready for the winter chill.

Flooding and Health: Mental Health

Flooding and Health: Mental Health

Flooding is very traumatic for those involved, but often the least consider impact is the mental health impacts in the short to long term.

Winter proofing your bike

Winter proofing your bike

Winter can be a difficult time for cyclists. It’s colder, darker and wetter – conditions not ideally suited for cycling to school or work. There are however a few tips you can do to help yourself.

Weather Warnings guide

Weather Warnings guide

The Met Office Guide to Severe Weather Warnings

LRF in Action

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Exercise Inundation

Exercise Inundation

Its not too often we take part in big exercises across multiple boundaries, but sometimes a great opportunity presents its-self!

Salisbury Rail Crash

Salisbury Rail Crash

Some describe it as the Salisbury Rail Crash, some as the Salisbury. Derailment and some as the Salisbury Train Crash. Whatever label one puts on it, officially it was Operation Zambezi.

Operation London Bridge

Operation London Bridge

Operation Bridges is the collective term for the plans that are put in place for the death of a senior Royal. These are unfortunately something we had been working on for a few years.