Teamwork (Roles)

The Emergency Contact Hub will only work with your community working as a team. The hub is a community asset and is therefore run, designed and owned by the community. As with any incident response you will function much better as a team.

You can design your team in any way that works for you, however, to aid this process we have given you some pre-defined roles that you might wish to adopt.  You will need to decide which roles work best for your group and then allocate them to individuals. 

The way this works best is that the people in the roles are decided on the day depending on who turns up rather than person one being the Supervisor and person two the Welfare Officer in an overarching plan. The problem with pre-defining people into roles is that those community members may not be available at the time of the incident. 

Everyone has their own skills and abilities and can make a valuable contribution to the group. It is important to recognise these so that people are allocated the correct roles and can play their part.

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