Facility Maintenance Role

Key Responsibilities 

  • Keeping facility clean and tidy.
  • Making sure all toilets and washing points are fully stocked.
  • Assist with any tidying required.
  • Ensure the building is opened and locked as required.

Keeping the facility clean and tidy might not seem overly important, but you’d be surprised how important this actually is. Keeping it clean and tidy will also ensure that it is safe for the public and that people feel comfortable in the building.

Cleaning and Tidying: Keeping the building clean and tidy, cleaning up any debris and rubbish making sure that people don’t slip or trip on anything.

Walkways and Paths: Keeping footpaths clean and clear around the building. This could be just making sure they aren’t obstructed or might involve clearing some ice and snow around the main entrance.  

Toilets and Washing Points: Make sure the toilets are kept clean and tidy and make sure hand washing stations are kept well stocked.



Facility Manager Role

Facility Manager Role

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