Receptionist Role

Key Responsibilities 

  • Welcome visitors to the hub.
  • Provide reassurance to any visitors.
  • Direct visitors to the correct place.
  • Keep hub/reception tidy.

Anyone coming to the hub should be welcomed and provided with information on what the hub is for and what it can/can’t provide. The reception needs to be located near the front of the hub and be easily identifiable.

Greeting: Make sure that everyone is greeted and is directed to the location they require.

Remain Calm: Ensure that you remain calm to all queries and questions. Ensure that you are honest; if you do not know the answer to any questions, do say so.

Provide Reassurance: Provide reassurance to any community members who require it.

Keep Hub Tidy: Ensure the hub remains clean and tidy.

Media: If any media arrive, refer them to the Supervisor.



Receptionist Role

Receptionist Role

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