Interesting Fact

Wiltshire Police (formerly Wiltshire Constabulary) was formed on the 13th November 1839 and is the oldest County Police Force in the country. The Metropolitan Police force which covers London was the first Police Force formed under Sir Robert Peel. Wiltshire Police covers the historical County of Wiltshire which includes the unitary authorities of Wiltshire and Swindon.


Wiltshire Police’s responsibilities are varied and many and cover prevention and detection of crime and bringing offenders to Justice. Responding to 999 calls and calls for assistance, dealing with road traffic collisions and responding to major and critical incidents. In doing so the Police investigate serious crime and other criminality, crimes of violence, cyber, public protection, dealing with anti-social behaviour and acting on behalf of HM Coroner to investigate sudden and unexplained deaths.

Key Roles in Response

Wiltshire Police is one of the key emergency services within the County. It is a first responder to emergency situations and will normally attend in conjunction with the Fire and Rescue and Ambulance services. 

Wiltshire Police operate as a 24/7 365-day organisation with a range of capabilities to deal with the demands of modern day policing.

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