Interesting Fact
The Environment Agency receives over 100,000 incident reports every year across England; every one of which is recorded and assessed.
Within England the EA is responsible for:
- Regulating major industry and waste
- Treatment of contaminated land
- Water quality and resources
- Fisheries
- Inland river, estuary and harbour navigations
- Conservation and ecology
Managing the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea.
Key Roles in Response
During flood incidents, the EA will undertake the following roles: operating flood defences, pumping stations, flood barriers, flood gates, reservoirs, clearing of trash screens, patrolling defences, co-ordinating and monitoring pumps. The EA will monitor continuing risk, issuing flood alerts, flood warnings, and severe flood warnings as required.
During environmental incidents, such as pollutions, fish in distress, regulated industry incidents, fires (particularly waste fires), marine incidents and more, the EA will assess and respond to limit and stop impacts quickly.
A ‘polluter pays’ policy is in place to ensure that the costs of attendance and deployment of equipment are covered. This also acts as a deterrent from future offences. The EA also have the power to enforce and prosecute if needed. Evidence is taken at the site through statements, pollution samples, photo/video evidence, among others, in order to build a case against the polluter if needed.