Case Studies Tagged: Wiltshire

Spotlight on South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT)
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Ambulance services are a key part of the NHS, responding to 999 calls when members of your local community need help in an emergency.
LRF in Action
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Exercise Inundation
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Its not too often we take part in big exercises across multiple boundaries, but sometimes a great opportunity presents its-self!

Salisbury Rail Crash
4m read
Some describe it as the Salisbury Rail Crash, some as the Salisbury. Derailment and some as the Salisbury Train Crash. Whatever label one puts on it, officially it was Operation Zambezi.

Operation London Bridge
2m read
Operation Bridges is the collective term for the plans that are put in place for the death of a senior Royal. These are unfortunately something we had been working on for a few years.