Halloween Safety

Please remember not everyone celebrates Halloween. Unexpected callers after dark can be really frightening for some of the more vulnerable members of our community.
If you see a ‘no trick or treat here' poster, please respect it. You can download a ‘no trick or treat here’ poster on our website: https://www.wiltshire.police.uk/police-forces/wiltshire-police/areas/campaigns/campaigns/halloween/
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Streetlink to help connect people sleeping rough to local services.
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Streetlink to help connect people sleeping rough to local services. This service can be used either by a member of the public reporting someone or a rough sleeper seeking help.
This Halloween please be respectful of other people and their property. Vandalism including throwing things like eggs and flour could be classed as criminal damage. This will not be tolerated, and you could end up getting in trouble with the police. For more tips on how to enjoy Halloween safely please visit our website: Halloween | Wiltshire Police
Download Wiltshire Police Halloween colouring in sheets from the website link above.