Interesting Fact
Serve On can trace its heritage back to the Blitz and Civil Defence Light Rescue. As well as delivering UK and international response, Serve On has supported elite sports and military with performance improvement and has hosted England Rugby, several Olympic sports, Gareth Southgate and other specialist groups who wish to learn from their experiences. Serve On prides itself on collaboration, the behaviour of its people and service to society.
Humanitarian crisis response at home and abroad. When tasked and authorised provide national response through the Flood Rescue National Asset Register in accordance with the Defra Flood Rescue Concept of Operations (FRCO). Provide national, regional and local response in support of Category 1 and 2 responders and other voluntary agencies by arrangement. When tasked and authorised provides international response to earthquakes and other humanitarian crises.
Key Roles in Response
- Establishment of the Voluntary Agency Coordination Centre (VACC). This includes the provision of infrastructure, including power, heat, light, office services and logistic support, for a deployable VACC that can operate from any remote site.
- Provision of search dogs to support Police and Mountain/Lowland Search and Rescue.
- Water and Flood Search and Rescue capability, available for local, regional and national response.
- Communications support to the emergency services by providing mobile and static communications resources.
- Provision of staff to undertake, welfare checks on vulnerable, set up and manage warehouse distribution, deliver food, PPE, prescription medicines and provide staff for rest and vaccination centres and mortuaries.