Interesting Fact

SSEN supplies electricity to 3.8 million homes and businesses in Central Southern England and North of Scotland.


To maintain and repair the electricity network.

Key Roles in Response

Ultimately, to keep the lights on. SSEN also plays a crucial role in meeting the UK’s 2050 net zero targets. 

LRF in Action

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Wiltshire & Swindon Local Resilience Forum - Recovery Workshop

Wiltshire & Swindon Local Resilience Forum - Recovery Workshop

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The Local Resilience Forum (LRF) partners work together to plan, prepare, response and recovery from incidents.

Exercise RISE - Vulnerable People Dashboard on the Esri Platform

Exercise RISE - Vulnerable People Dashboard on the Esri Platform

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Wiltshire & Swindon LRF stress-test the new developed Beacon platform.

Power Outage Planning and National Exercises

Power Outage Planning and National Exercises

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Our chance to test Power Outage Scenarios on a big scale with over 200 people involved!