Risks Tagged: Electricity

Failure of National Electricity

Failure of National Electricity

Have you ever sat back and thought about how many of life’s every day appliances rely on electricity?

How the power system works in the UK

How the power system works in the UK

Have you ever thought about how the power gets to your home?

What are electricity rota loads?

What are electricity rota loads?

What's the plan if there is ever an energy shortage?



Depending on your own requirement and needs, it may be useful to find out more about generators and how having one may help you.

Power Track - What is it?

Power Track - What is it?

Power track is a website where you can find out who supplies your power.

What is a National Power Outage (NPO)?

What is a National Power Outage (NPO)?

The definition of an NPO is the loss of power that will affect the whole Country for a prolonged period

Stories Tagged: Electricity

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Power Outage Planning and National Exercises

Power Outage Planning and National Exercises

Our chance to test Power Outage Scenarios on a big scale with over 200 people involved!