Independent Utility Companies - What are they?
This article contains information & advice regarding risks that do not appear on the Risk Register.

Our gas, water and electricity are all produced/ supplied by large companies in Wiltshire and Swindon. For example, some of these companies are Wessex Water, Thames Water, Wales and West Utilities (Gas), Southern Gas Network (SGN) and Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN). They own and supply the water, gas and electricity through pipes and cables to our front doors.
But for some customers this supply may end at the boundary of a new Housing estate or Commercial estate. From there on in to the “front door” the cables and pipework are owned and the responsibility of the Independent to maintain and fix. You may not be billed directly by this company but by another, for example OVO.
As the bill payer and a potential vulnerable customer these organisations should ask if you have any vulnerability, you may be elderly or have young children who are susceptible if the heating goes off.
The supply of these Utilities seems complicated on first glance, in our homes and businesses we simply turn the lights on at the flick of a switch. But think of it in the same way as a supermarket.
Production of the food or goods at the manufacturer, then onto the supply chain who moves the food from the manufacturer to the supermarket or in the case of power, to you front door. Then the supermarket sells the food to you.
To find out more and who supplies your Utilities please see the following link, just enter your post code and it will show who supplies the Utility at your door.
Who’s my network operator? – Energy Networks Association (ENA)
The reason this information is so important is that we need to ensure that anyone who is vulnerable has information entered on a date base to ensure that in times of need the Companies know that you may need help, say when there is flooding, water outages or power cuts.
All companies are moving towards having a “one stop shop” so if you tell one Utility, they will share this data in your interest to help you when it is required.